Message In Stanza

Poetry and Musings

I just have to call all of your “awesome.” Some of your have been on the journey with me from practically the beginning (Following Him, Steve Still Standing) and some of my new victims (Kaylaannauthor, DirtyScifiBuddha) are showing their love.

I would love to hear from those listed above as well any other people who like to answer these most random questions. But please keep in mind, random doesn’t mean it isn’t thoughtful. 🙂 I would list my answers too.

  1. Are you more of a compulsive eater or talker? Meaning are you likely to eat when you are feeling the stress or fill the empty noise with your words?
  2. Are you more of a paperback reader, e-reader, or no, I don’t have time when I am reading all these blogs?
  3. What’s more of guilty pleasure for you: sugar, wheat, or dairy?
  4. Do you dance more like no ones watching or do you prefer to dance in front of people to show off your cool moves?
  5. If you could achieve one thing as a writer overnight, what would it be?
  6. Which drama movie out of these do you enjoy the most: A Beautiful Mind, Goodwill Hunting, or The King’s Speech?
  7. Which book do you enjoy more out of these classics: A Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, or Fahrenheit 451?


My answers:

  1. I definitely like to talk but I probably stress eat more. lol. But I am working on it!
  2. Definitely paperback. I love to feel and smell the pages (as weird as that sounds). 🙂
  3. Sugar. I am addicted to chocolate. Do I need to say more?
  4. I dance all the time alone because I can dance any random way that I want to. 🙂
  5. The assurance that God has given me this dream to touch others, whether He gives me a prophetic dream or a sweet vision on how He is well pleased with me.
  6. Goodwill Hunting. What a great movie! Gotta love the tag team of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. And one of my favorite actors of all time, Robin Williams. He can do comedy and drama so well. RIP.
  7. A Catcher in the Rye. I can’t relate to everything in the book but I always enjoy coming of age books.

What are your answers?

Please feel free to share this post, so you can see your followers’ answer to these questions as well. Keep blogging, baby! 🙂

Carly (Message In Stanza)


38 thoughts on “Questions For My Awesome Followers

  1. Here’s my answers:
    1. I think that I’m such an introvert that the very act of talking feels forced, so I’m definitely more of a compulsive eater.
    2. I don’t read books as often as I’d like, but although I, too, like the tactility and smell of paperbacks, I’ve gotten used to the utility of ebooks—a virtual library at my fingertips.
    3. I’d say dairy here, as I’m not really a sweets person, and I love all things cheese.
    4. I’m no Martin Short, so I don’t dance to impress. Lol
    5. I guess step one would be to develop an ingrained habit of writing. That’d be a great start. If I could jump a few steps it would be to make enough off my writing to be able to write full time.
    6. Its a toss up between goodwill and beautiful. I love the concept of a flower growing through the cracks of asphalt and the madness in genius.
    7. Fahrenheit. Hands down. I felt like a dog that had its head tilted to the side for days after reading this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good answers, Erich. 🙂 I may be a little bias because I came up with these questions and I like all the answers. Lol. 🙂

      1. I am introverted as well. So I understand. I really enjoy my alone time. That’s my secret to having time to write. 🙂
      2. I understand the ease and convenience of e-books. I do it all: paperback, hardback, e-books and audio books as well. It’s overwhelming sometimes.
      3. Yes to cheese. What’s favorite kind of cheese? Two of mine are havarti and goat cheese.
      4. Lol. I understand.
      5. Writing full time is a great goal, Erich. 🙂
      6. Yes, both awesome movies and storylines.
      7. F. 451 is one of my favorite books growing up. Such fond memories reading it at school.

      Thanks for commenting, Erich and have a great night. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh man…I’m pretty open to cheeses and my typical tastes are pretty simple. I’ll eat cheese curds, cheese string, I like cave-your-head-in sharp cheddar, and Swiss to name a few. You have a great night, as well! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I never tried cheese curds. I have heard they are good. They are soft and chewy compared to other cheeses, right? And yeah the “cave-your-head-in sharp cheddar” is an accurate description. If you like strong cheese, I bet you like blue cheese as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Definitely a fan of blue, but basically only in dressing. The curds are usually firm when straight out of the refrigerator but are really good when allowed to go to room temperature…the oils are released and they squeak. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey there Carly, thanks for the shout-out! I love your blog.
    Let’s see, I’m definitely more of a talker. Paperback all the way, I can’t stand ebooks. Sugar in the form of chocolate! I dance whenever I feel like it whether or not people are around. I would love to be able to live comfortably (not extravagantly) off my writing so that I can focus more on my writing.
    Hmmm never seen those but definitely Farenheit 451!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey there Kayla. 🙂 Great answers. And again like I told Erich, I may be a little bias because I came up with all the questions, so I’ll like the answers. Lol. I like e-books but if they completely replace real books my life will never feel the same again. I mean that. I collect records too. So I’ll all about physical forms of entertainment. Yay chocolate. What’s your go-to chocolate candy bar? Good goal and I would like to steal that goal for me as well. 😀 Yes, F. 451 should be must in anyone’s library.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right now I am totally digging Mint Dark Chocolate cookie bars, soooo yummy!! I wish you luck in accomplishing this goal too 🙂 it’s a must have for any serious American writer 👍🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I absolutely love the combination of chocolate and mint together. 🙂 I love Andes, Junior Mints, and Peppermint Patties. Don’t you? I don’t think I have tried mint dark chocolate cookies bars. That sounds even better. What’s a brand of them?

        Yes, a must have for any serious writer. :up: 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh yea, I eat those by the handful haha. I think its the Hershey brand, they’re even at the 99cent store right now.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’ll check those out then! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi! Thanks for the shoutout! 🙂 I do like random questions!

    1. Are you more of a compulsive eater or talker? Meaning are you likely to eat when you are feeling the stress or fill the empty noise with your words?
    Talker. When I get stressed, it usually comes with anxiety and panic which makes it nearly impossible to eat anything at all.
    2. Are you more of a paperback reader, e-reader, or no, I don’t have time when I am reading all these blogs?
    Paperback or hardback! Though lately, it has been the third option. After the Internet upgrade, I have been able to load so many fantastic blogs!
    3. What’s more of a guilty pleasure for you: sugar, wheat, or dairy?
    I would say sugar, but I love dairy. I was milk intolerant until I reached my 20’s, so now I probably eat more cheese than I should. 😅
    4. Do you dance more like no ones watching or do you prefer to dance in front of people to show off your cool moves?
    Dancing with no one watching, definitely. And I can’t help but dance when I hear this song: (I’m listening to it now and dancing while sitting here reading. XD)
    5. If you could achieve one thing as a writer overnight, what would it be?
    Bring someone to Christ – one saved soul would make it all worth it. 🙂
    6. Which drama movie out of these do you enjoy the most: A Beautiful Mind, Goodwill Hunting, or The King’s Speech?
    Is it a bad thing that I haven’t seen any of these? 😅
    7. Which book do you enjoy more out of these classics: A Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, or Fahrenheit 451?
    Again, is it bad that I haven’t read any of these? I do have The Great Gatsby and I plan to read it soon. 🙂

    P. S.: In question 3, I think you meant dairy, not diary. 😉 I thought I’d mention that before I reblog. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for joining the discussion, Following Him! 🙂 :heart:

      1. Really? I am the opposite. When I am really stressed, I over-eat. lol. I guess everyone responds to stress differently. 🙂
      2. Yeah for the internet! And for awesome blogs.
      3. Cool. What’s your favorite kinds of cheeses? I didn’t know someone could outgrow milk intolerance. Did you just feel differently one day or did it slowly get better over time? I love my iced lattes, so I bet being milk intolerant what’s tough at times.
      4. I’ll check out that song soon. This song makes me want to dance: I have a thing for techno music sometimes. 🙂
      5. What a beautiful answer. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I want this opportunity as well. 🙂
      6. No, is not a bad thing. But you should check all three of them out. They are kind of sad dramas but very well done. Two of them came out around 2000 and the other way came about 5 years ago. Here is a trailer for King’s Speech Great movie but I wish it had less cussing in it.
      7. Not bad at all but I think you would like Fahrenheit 451. Maybe the Great Gatsby. I am not sure about the Catcher in the Rye. It’s kind of an acquired taste.

      Yes, I meant dairy, not diary. I am not asking if you prefer sugar, wheat or reading your diary? lol. Yes, please reblog. Thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😀 And thank you for creating the discussion! 🙂

        1. Oh wow. Haha, I think I’d rather over eat because then I wouldn’t have to deal with the “I haven’t eaten anything all day” headache. X)

        2. Yes, amen! 🙂 I’ve been so busy writing and reading blogs that I haven’t read many books this month. But I am in the middle of Darlene Deibler Rose’s “Evidence Not Seen” and it is wonderful! 🙂

        3. Me either; it was such a blessing! I can’t remember if I tried cheese just to see if I was still intolerant, or if I ate something that had a lot of milk in it by accident and discovered it. But whichever the case, I was very happy. No more rice cheese! XD But then at the same time, I grew into a peanut allergy. XP However, I’d rather be allergic to peanuts than have the milk intolerance. I don’t even miss peanuts. My favorite cheeses… I haven’t met one yet that I didn’t like, but I love pepper-jack and cheddar. I keep forgetting that I can drink milk. (20 years of avoiding milk is hard to snap out of. XD) I still have a fondness for cashew milk. But I enjoy yogurt.

        4. Wow, that is a good track for dancing to! It reminds me of the soundtrack in a game I used to play all the time called Excessive Speed. I didn’t expect to find the soundtrack on YouTube, but here it is. XD I think almost all of the songs in that soundtrack have a techno sound to it. They bring back major nostalgia for me. 🙂

        5. 🙂 ❤

        6. Oh, sad dramas – that sounds like something I would like. I liked the trailer that you linked to. 🙂 Yeah, it's sad when the movie is great but they had to cuss a lot.

        7. Cool! I can't wait to start reading The Great Gatsby and I'll keep en eye out for the other two. 🙂

        LOL. XD

        I will reblog tomorrow – or later today since it's after 3AM. XD

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🙂

        1. LOL. I hate that feeling, Grace. 🙂
        2. That book looks really good! I have it to buy later on Amazon. 🙂 It reminds of another biography of a little boy who met Jesus and shared the gospel in Rwanda before the genocide. I think you would appreciate it too.
        3. Rice cheese? I have never heard of that before. 🙂 Well, whatever the case, I am happy that you can eat cheese now. I would hate not be able to eat peanuts. It means no peanut butter for me. :crying: Wow, you like all cheese? I am a picky cheese eater. It can’t be too strong. lol. 🙂
        4. Great techno song! I have never played Excessive Speed but it reminds of a PC game I played a Hot Wheels PC game I played in the early 200’s called: Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver. Oh, what memories! 🙂
        5. 🙂 :heart:
        6. Yep.
        7. Great.

        Carly (Message In Stanza)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 1. Me too. X)

        2. Oh, it is amazing! I hope you can find a copy!
        Oh wow, I think I would like that book! Thanks for the recommendation!

        3. It was a cheese substitute, and well… it was better than nothing, but it wasn’t that close to the real thing. 😄 I haven’t tried all cheeses yet, not even close, I’m curious about goat cheese, so I may have to try it sometime soon. I’m not a huge fan of cottage cheese if that counts as cheese. I forgot about that one when I made the “I haven’t met a cheese I didn’t like” statement, haha. 😄
        Aww. But they make almond butter, soy butter, and sunflower seed butter which is amazing. 🙂 I’m glad you can eat peanuts.

        4. Oh wow, I haven’t played that one, but it looks so fun!! ❤ I have an old laptop computer that my dad has kept going that has Windows 2000 in it so I can play older games if I want to, and I still play Excessive Speed sometimes for old-time's sake. 🙂 It's fun to not just race but blow up other cars… XD


        Liked by 1 person

      4. 2. Yeah, I think you will like it. If you ever read it, let me know. And I’ll let you know what I think that book you mentioned. 🙂
        3. I like almond butter. And sunflower seed butter sounds amazing! 🙂
        4. Yeah, you could probably find that Hot Wheels game on Amazon or online somewhere.

        Have a wonderful day! 🙂 :heart:

        Carly (Message In Stanza)

        Liked by 1 person

      5. 2. 😀 I shall! And I look forward to knowing what you think about the book I mentioned. 🙂

        3. They are so good! I want to experiment with making protein shakes with them soon.

        4. Yeah! 🙂

        Thank you, you have a wonderful day too! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Elan Mudrow says:

    1. Are you more of a compulsive eater or talker? Meaning are you likely to eat when you are feeling the stress or fill the empty noise with your words?
    Answer-I don’t tend to be compulsive.
    2. Are you more of a paperback reader, e-reader, or no, I don’t have time when I am reading all these blogs?
    Answer – Definitely a paperback person. Although, I’m a bit hard on them.
    3. What’s more of guilty pleasure for you: sugar, wheat, or diary?
    Answer – Guinness
    4. Do you dance more like no ones watching or do you prefer to dance in front of people to show off your cool moves?
    Answer – I don’t dance.
    5. If you could achieve one thing as a writer overnight, what would it be?
    Answer – The perfect sentence.
    6. Which drama movie out of these do you enjoy the most: A Beautiful Mind, Goodwill Hunting, or The King’s Speech?
    Answer – I really don’t like any of those movies. I would recommend “Medea” by Lars von Trier
    7. Which book do you enjoy more out of these classics: A Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, or Fahrenheit 451?
    Answer- These are all classics from western Lit’s canon. Can’t say I like one more than another. I would rate them all 6 to 7 out of 10.
    If stuck on a desert island, I would want Pynchon’s “The Crying Lot of 49” Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse” and O’Nolan’s “Third Policeman

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry it took me a while to get back with you. I just found your post in my WP-Admin. I got no bell notification or email about it. So I apologize for taking a while. 🙂

      In regards to your answers:

      I heard Guinness is really good but strong. I am not a big drinker, but I am Irish, so I should try it. 🙂

      That movie looks really good! 🙂

      To the Lighthouse looks good.

      Have a great day and thanks for commenting, Elan! 🙂


      1. Elan Mudrow says:

        Thanks Carly. Take Care!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Red Letters says:

    Hey Carly!
    Great questions. Here are my answers:
    1. When I’m stressed I love to get straight on the phone to my mom, sister, hubby or best friend. I’ll moan for a bit, then they’ll pipe up and usually suggest we pray together. After that, I’d probably then stuff my face lol 😂
    2. I’m a paperback reader all the way! 📖
    3. I love sweets, especially haribos! 🍬
    4. I’m absolutely terrible at dancing so I don’t tend to dance anywhere. I’ll stick to singing. 🎤
    5. Confidence 😊
    6. I ❤️ Goodwill Hunting
    7. I’ve not read any of these books, sorry. Oh the shame! 🙈

    Love Hayley 😊💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for joining in, Red Letters! 🙂 :heart:

      1. LOL. Talk then gorge yourself. I understand! 🙂
      2. I am more paperback than e-book too. 🙂
      3. Cool. I like gummy bears too, every now and then. But I know Haribos does other things as well.
      4. You are a great singer. 🙂
      5. I think your blog is great, but I believe as bloggers it’s always good to improve in confidence and taking into consideration what others say about it as well. 🙂
      6. Yes, amazing movie!
      7. You should check out Fahrenheit 451. What a fantastic book that will keep your attention the whole time and give you a whole new appreciation for physical books. I won’t say anything more because I don’t want to spoil it! :shh: 🙂

      Have a great day, Hayley! 🙂

      Carly (Message In Stanza)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Red Letters says:

        Hey Carly, I’ll be sure to check out Fahrenheit 451.
        Hayley 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Following Him Beside Still Waters and commented:
    Carly from Message In Stanza posted some questions to get to know her followers better – what a cool idea! 🙂 I’ve already answered her questions in a comment on her post. Click the link below to read and answer the questions if you’d like to participate. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for reblogging this! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😀 You’re welcome; I was happy to! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  7. 1. Talker, although the noise is in my head. :):) I don’t like to “talk” about it, more so talk to the Lord in my head about it 🙂
    2. Paper, when I read. AND no, I don’t have time when I am reading all these blogs 🙂
    3. All 3
    4. Like no ones watching
    5. To save every soul on earth 🙂
    6. A Beautiful Mind
    7. I wouldn’t pick any of these as most enjoyable books I have read :):):)

    This was fun :):) Thank you Carly for doing this, and I want to thank followinghimbesidestillwaters for reblogging it. Helped me find it quicker :):)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 1. LOL. I understand. 🙂 Sometimes it’s hard to talk to ourselves about, let alone to God about it. 🙂
      2. I am more of a paperback reader myself.
      3. Cool. 🙂
      4. Nice!
      5. Good one. I concur. 🙂
      6. Good choice! What sad and great movie, huh?
      7. No problem. 🙂 What do you consider as one of your favorite books?

      Yes, this was fun! Thanks again for partaking in it. Have a wonderful night, Margaret. 🙂

      Carly (Message In Stanza)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello my love, I’ve nominated you in The Christmas Tag ( I would love to see your answers ❤ Anita xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry it took me a while to get back with you. Thanks you for nominating for The Christmas Tag. I would love to partake but because my of busy schedule I may not be able to do it until next week. But thanks for thinking of me! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thats okay – Just do it when you can. Can’t wait to read it ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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